Identifying existing system pain points…

Prickly cactus - depicting pain points

Entrepreneurs often use the term “epic failure” to describe a project that is too complex or ambitious. You should ensure that your next product or service meets the needs of your users, and does not exceed their expectations and their concerns with Identifying existing system pain points. EPOS implementation projects follow the same principle. For […]

RFID: How is it benefiting the retail world?

Circuit Board with RFID

Introduction RFID: How is it benefiting the retail world? The retail industry has undergone a number of changes in the past few years. In-store shopping experiences have been transformed by the introduction of digital technology, particularly retail technology, and the way customers buy products has also been radical during the pandemic. One of the biggest […]

How Demographics Are Influencing the Future of Shopping

In an era of increasing digitisation and globalisation, the traditional brick-and-mortar experience is more challenging than ever before. Consumers are shopping more frequently from their smartphones and tablets, and more niche brands and retailers are emerging and thriving. From e-commerce to brick-and-mortar stores and virtual shopping experiences, the future of retail is already here; the […]

Are your computer systems working for your customers?

Employee sat at desk with head on laptop

This is a question that retailers have been asking themselves for years as their customer’s experience is key to keeping them happy and returning again and again. We all know that it costs more to attract a customer than to keep one.  It all comes down to how well the retailer’s retail systems are working […]

Important Tips for Stock Taking: How To Keep Your Inventory Organised

Barcode Scanning

It is important to take stock of your inventory so that you have a comprehensive understanding of what items you have and where they are located. Why is an accurate inventory important? Inventory is the lifeblood of your business, understanding what you have on hand and where you have it is key to supplying your […]

What is BOPIS?

Cartoon image depicting Computer and tablet and customer collecting item from store

What is BOPIS? We all know that 2020 was the year we want to forget, but in terms of technology we really received a massive push forward. In some sectors, online shopping increased by 157% year on year 2019 – 2020 and this doesn’t show any signs of stopping. Online shopping is about to reach […]

Retail Technology and its Importance in the Current Climate

Technology allows a machine to do tasks that can be performed concurrently with a standard set of commands without tiring, which can allow a retailer to focus on more crucial things like merchandising, product selection, customer service and the in-store or online experience. Retail technology gives you the ability to satisfy your customers by allowing […]

Magento 2 Integration with Y2

Magento 2 Integration with Cegid Y2

We’re delighted to announce the launch of our Magento 2 integration with Y2, the versatile, modern and scalable EPoS retail management system from our partners Cegid. Magento is a fully featured e-commerce platform that includes all the functionality required to set up and operate a transactional web store. The offering is already attracting interest from our […]

KFC Lessons – Take Care When Changing Suppliers


It’s hard to imagine how a large, popular retailer or restaurant ends up not being able to sell its primary offering. Can you imagine Waterstones ever being unable to sell books, Clarks not being able to sell shoes? McDonald’s not being able to sell burgers? Well KFC somehow, as you’re probably aware, managed to run […]